Speak Up

Please use this form to contact the critical decision-makers to support protection for Callala’s nature. Here are some points you might want to include:

  • The Halloran Trust’s plans for a 380-house subdivision here will shred the fabric of our small village.
  • It will overload already stressed infrastructure.
  • It will destroy critical habitats for endangered plants and animals.
  • The 30-odd expensive empty lots sold each year will do nothing to relieve the housing shortage. Already 50% of homes across Callala Bay and Beach are empty most of the time.
  • The subdivision will destroy the homes of endangered Greater Gliders and other threatened species.
  • In 2022 the community objected loudly to the rezoning plan with 1002 submissions, or 97%, but we were ignored by the previous State Government.
  • We should grow Callala sustainably, not create more suburban sprawl.

For Callala